Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Are You Serious?

So I just finished watching the Michigan-Nebraska game. Wow. That was certainly not what I expected. I still think Michigan played better than Nebraska, but Nebraska certainly played very hard. Add that heart to incorrect calls at opportune times and Nebraska squeaks one out. I'll take a loss for some entertaining football. The reason I post now has very little to do with most of the game and everything to do with how it ended. Are you kidding me? Cal-Stanford all over again...only BETTER!! For anyone that has not seen this ending, you need to watch Sportscenter all day tomorrow. There are two keys to this play, in my opinion. First, the non-call of the refs when all the Nebraska players rushed the field. This would have given Michigan an extra play and some extra yardage. Of course, it might also have been off-setting due to some Michigan players on the field as well. We'll call that one a push. However, as Michigan tight end Tyler Ecker recieved the pitch from RB Mike Hart and raced down the field, he had two guys to beat. Right next to him was WR Steve Breaston, clearly calling for the ball. Breaston is one of the best return men in college football. So why did Ecker not pitch the ball? We may never know. If he does pitch it, Michigan wins. Oh well. Maybe Ecker got caught up in the moment and wanted to see how far he could make it. That's great. However, as it became apparent that these two defenders (the ONLY two defenders) were both going after him, it would have been wise to at least pitch the ball to keep it alive. I guess Ecker thought differently. He allowed himself to be tackled, taking the ball to the ground in a death grip. Breaston, a mere three feet away, could only hang his head in disappointment. If Ecker, while being tackled, simply threw the ball in bounds...anywhere...Michigan wins. What the hell was he thinking? Shame, shame on you, Tyler. Were you not paying attention the day ya'll practiced that one? Eight pitches pulled off brilliantly, and you go and blow it. It's a good thing you're a senior, or there'd be some seriously pissed-off upperclassmen. For now, simply hang your head and realize you just gave Michigan its first five-loss season in quite some time.


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