Thursday, December 08, 2005

Five Thoughts...

1. How to Beat USC
The Trojans have some major firepower. They could score on fifteen men. They are that good. However, I think their defense has adopted that fact as a philosophy. They are not immune to giving up big plays on special teams and through the air. Teams with a moderate defense and some major aerial firepower can stop USC. Texas may be the one to do it. Vince Young can throw and he can run, and Texas can play some defense. Of course, we thought the same thing last year about Oklahoma. Texas could win if you gave it Miami's defensive speed and Notre Dame's guts. If it plays without comparable assets of its own, Texas may not stand a chance.

2. Did Oregon Get Shafted Out of the Fiesta?
No. Who have you beaten? And don't say Fresno. Be happy to be in the Holiday Bowl.

3. Gary Barnett and Colorado
I feel for this guy. I really do. He's been caught in all sorts of controversies and scandals, and I can't say that he's the best guy in the world (nor can I say he's not), but the way his resignation played out was disgraceful. Rumors start floating around that he's on the hot-seat and may get the axe. Next thing you know, rumor is he's fired. Stories come out saying that "it's news to him." Soon thereafter, a story pops up on CBS.sportsline saying he's been let go. Simultaneously, there's an article on saying it's just a rumor and nothing has been confirmed yet. Get your stories straight. It's almost as if each was in such a rush to beat the other to the story that it didn't matter if they were right. Educated guesses were sufficient. Does this remind anyone of a certain presidential election? Just wait for the official word, people. My night will not be planned around this firing, and I think that goes for most of the people that would find out from either ESPN or CBS. Barnett probably resigned just to end the damn speculation. The media needs to have a little respect.

4. Heisman Voting.
Just give it to Reggie. Seriously. Vince Young is great. Matt Leinart is better. Reggie is something special. I've been a doubter, but I had the advantage of seeing him play against Notre Dame, Fresno State, and UCLA. It's his. Every now and then a player comes along who can electrify crowds, and Reggie is one of them. People will pay good money just to see him play. Will he shatter a thousand records or even be a good NFL player? I don't know. I don't care. All I know is that he's the most exciting athlete in college football.

5. Santa Claus
Over Thanksgiving I had the honor of visiting Santa Claus, Indiana--home of Jay Cutler. You would think they would publicize this more, but it seemed they were more preoccupied with some guy that looked like an offensive lineman from Nebraska.


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