Friday, December 29, 2006

Bowl Season Rants

It's a been a long time since my last post, but finals take precedence unfortunately. Bowl season has arrived and as the Christmas of football (New Years Day) approaches, all is right in the world. Oh yeah...except I have mono. That's not cool. But anyways, on to football, because luckily I've had no energy to do anything but watch TV.

Point One

I am tired of the Rose Bowl. Wow, am I ever. I believe Michigan and USC are both good teams, but I believe both are overhyped. Michigan has done little to prove itself other than blow out an overrated ND team and quasi-hang with Ohio State. But my beef is not with these two teams. beef is with the ridiculous amount of hype toward this game. ESPN, since they are broadcasting it (ABC), reminds the viewers that this is the "Granddaddy of them all" approximately as often as kentucky and clemson gave the ball back and forth in the second quarter (i.e. a lot). Since they don't have the BCS championship, they spend every waking ESPN-aired bowl game second drooling over the Rose Bowl. If I hear "Not to diminish the National Championship, but the Rose Bowl...yada yada yada..." one more time, I may drive to Bristol and single-handedly bring down the entire network. Yes, the match up should provide for an entertaining game. Is there anything actually riding on this game? No. Do I need ESPN's 10-deep analyst roster spouting off why they think USC's receivers are the best in the country and Michigan's are second? No. Do I care who they think is better--Henne or Booty? No. I have no problem with covering a big-time bowl game, but try and a little bit of that "fair and balanced" stuff. I'm getting extra sick, and it's not the mono.

Point Two

A few observations from the bowl seasons so far:
Hawaii's receivers looked amazing. Rutgers got shafted in bowl selection. Purdue is really bad. Clemson cannot get over the hump. Steve Spurrier's teams are just fun to watch.

Point Three

People make way too much of how conference teams fare against each other in bowls. I've never been a believer in the bowl system. They are meant to be exhibitions and nothing more. Having a National Champion "decided" nearly two months after one of the teams' last games is a bit ridiculous. If the SEC wins out from here, good for the SEC, but that really doesn't mean as much as the networks (cough cough..ESPN) seems to imply it does. If nothing else, I'd like the SEC to win all its games (minus Bama) just so I don't have to listen the "The (insert conference here) is the best conference in football. Look at our bowl record" chatter for the next year.

And with that, I'm out. War Damn Eagle!


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