Wednesday, August 30, 2006

First Weekend Preview

Unforunately, I no longer have the time to go conference by conference with all of the games, but I will chime in on my predictions for the games that I find to be intriguing. So, here are my picks for the interesting games, in no particular order:

California v. Tennessee

This game is a total wildcard. Everybody is riding high on Cal and RB Marshawn Lynch this year. Good for them. I just don't buy it. Cal is consistently the second or third best team in the Pac-10. Are they talented? Of course. But do they get the best talent? Probably not (see USC for that). Tennessee, on the other hand, is consistently loaded. Last year was a horrible, horrible year for the Vols. Nobody is denying that, and there was a terrible funk, for lack of a better word, over the program last year. When they hit the skids, they just kept on falling. That is exactly why this game is HUGE for the Vols. A win means a return to high expectations, but a loss may spell a long season once again. Last year was about mental toughness, in my opinion. The Vols are short on it right now. A win against Cal would give them the confidence they need to get back on top and play like a team that can win the SEC East. So, with that said, I think I'm going to take Tennessee. I feel like this is a pretty gutsy pick considering last year and Cal's hype, but Cal's best asset is Lynch, and I believe Tennessee can hold him in check. Additionally, I really like RB Arian Foster. Playing this game an Neyland helps, too. Final score -- Cal 20 - Tenn 23.

Auburn v. Washington State

This game just screams trouble. As an Auburn fan, WSU scares me to death. Here's why. Auburn is breaking in two new safeties. Granted, they are really fast and very talented, but they have zero game experience. Beginning their careers on ESPN2 in primetime has got to be intimidating. At least the fans will be on their side. Washington State, though, can throw the ball around (read: will throw the ball around). They are almost guaranteed to hit a long one during the game. That's just the way they play. They like to say they can run the ball (e.g. Jerome Harrison), but they didn't try and run in the SEC. I'd be surprised if they break 100 yards total rushing. New coordinator Will Muschamp is also a question mark, but he has a great reputation and an awesome track record. Oh yeah, and Auburn's offense should have little difficulty with Washington State. But that was a given. So my final pick-- Auburn 31 - Washington State 17.

Notre Dame v. Georgia Tech

I really hate that this game is on at the same time as Auburn/Wash. State, because I would be glued to the television. Notre Dame is majorly overhyped, and I think everyone but Notre Dame fans realize it. Hell, even some Notre Dame fans realize it. Are they good? Well, the offense is great. But the defense has zero speed. Now Georgia Tech isn't exactly blazing fast, but I believe their team speed has got to be better than Notre Dame's. So how does the match-up play out? Georgia Tech WR Calvin Johnson is going to have a huge day against the ND secondary, assuming, of course, that QB Reggie Ball can actually get the ball to him. I like the senior QB, playing at home, against the number two team in the country. How do you not like that? Conversely, though, GaTech does not have a proven RB to go to now that P.J. Daniels is gone. A little extra weight may be thrown on Ball's shoulders. I'm curious to see how he handles it. On the other side, how can anybody pick against ND's offense? Brady Quinn, Charlie Weiss, Jeff Samardzija (had to look that one up), Darius Walker....loaded. I think this game is going to be a shoot-out, plain and simple. In the end, Notre Dame just has more weapons than GaTech. If GaTech has a running back step up that can even get them four yards a pop, I'd take GaTech. As it is, I just don't know if they do. Hence, I take ND in a relatively close one. ND 41 - GaTech 30.

Southern Cal v. Arkansas

I have already hit on this game once, so I won't revisit long. USC has a history of sticking new players in the system and immediately generating offense (see Auburn 2003). I like a young Arkansas team with RB Darren McFadden. They control the clock, control the line, and control the game. With McFadden, Felix Jones cannot get it done alone and the speed of USC (particularly their receivers) will eventually let the Trojans run away with it. USC 30 - Arkansas 17.

TCU v. Baylor

I like this game for some reason. TCU is supposed to make a big push this year and crack the BCS. Baylor, though, has been getting better and better every year. Particularly, the defense has toughened up in recent years and held Texas Tech in check last year for most of the game. That impressed me. Of course, they only return four starters on defense. I think TCU does win this game. They come to play in openers and after last year's let down at SMU cost them big, I do not expect them to look past the Bears. TCU 24 - Baylor 10.

Florida State v. Miami

Why does everyone love FSU? Everybody says "the defense is great" and "Weatherford is coming along", but I haven't seen that. Last year, I thought the defense was nasty, until they started giving up chunks of yardage and lots of points. That bothered me. Meanwhile, I loved Miami last year. At times, they certainly looked ugly, but they put together some quarters that were pure magic. I love Miami's speed and defense. I think things settle down a bit this year at Miami, and an opening game win against FSU will do wonders. FSU 17 - Miami 21.

Toledo v. Iowa State

If this game were last year, I may pick Toledo. I saw them play in the GMAC bowl, and I loved their offensive balance. However, they lost their QB and RB. Without those key players, the offense can't hold up its defense anymore. If there's one thing that Iowa State does have, it's offense. Behind QB Bret Meyer, this offense will score tons of points. They return nine starters. They are missing only a right guard and a wide receiver. Look for them to explode against Toledo. Toledo 20 - Iowa State 41.

South Carolina v. Mississippi State

I'm gonna keep this one simple. The second year under Spurrier is better than the third year under anybody in Starkville. MSU still has no talent, and Spurrier will throw all over this defense. If the USC defense can hold its own, USC should run away with this one late. South Carolina 34 - Mississippi State 10.

Hawaii v. Bama

This game would be a fun one to watch. We'll find out right away how far back Bama's defense has slipped. I thinking, probably pretty far. Yes, Hawaii has traditionally played poorly at away games, but apparently June Jones has implemented Hawaii time for the entire trip. The team will be practicing until early hours in the morning and sleeping until early afternoon. I'm curious to see how that works. Either way, I like Hawaii's QB Colt Brennan against a depleted Bama defense. The only thing that can win this game for Bama is RB Ken Darby--and he will. The offensive philosophy of Bama will keep the clock running, but it will be balanced by Hawaii's throw-first mantra (and second and third and fourth if neccessary). I don't think that Hawaii has an answer to Darby's speed and elusiveness. Bama also has some quality back-ups. I think this game will be tight in the fourth quarter simply because of Bama's lack of explosiveness and Hawaii's propensity for it. In the end, though, Bama pulls it out. Hawaii 14 - Bama 17.

Temple v. Buffalo

Clearly, this is the best game of the day. On principle, this game should be televised. Who is going to win is totally irrelevant as long as somebody does. I'm going to pick Buffalo solely because they are my dynasty team on NCAA 2K6. And if that's not a good reason, I don't know what is. Temple 3 - Buffalo 7.


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