Saturday, September 23, 2006

Saturday Night Thoughts: Week Four

I don't have time to recap all the games, but here are my impressions after a more interesting than I would have thought Saturday.

Michigan State straight choked. I'm glad ND won, but that was ugly. I think Temple could have held a 19 point lead in the fourth quarter. Alas, it did not go that way for the Spartans. I haven't seen Purdue yet this year, but they are undefeated and headed into ND next week. Is that a game the Irish should be worried about? History tells me no, but the way the Irish have played against Michigan and Michigan State has me wondering.

Ohio State won, but that's about it. ND tore Penn State a new one, but the Buckeyes struggled. I gotta give the OSU defense credit. The Nittany Lions had so many opportunities to put up points that it made me sick, but the Buckeyes kept turning them away. A win is a win, but they didn't earn any style points in my book.

I liked the way Kentucky played. I watched this game until the end bc I genuinely believed that Kentucky had a chance. That is progress.

USC struggles to beat Arizona (who got thumpped 45-3 by LSU, who lost to Auburn 7-3). I am still not impressed. I'm not gonna follow my logic chain to say LSU or Auburn would definitely beat USC, but it raises some red flags.

Bama v. Arkansas. Poor Tiffen. He needs to go hang out with John Vaughn. The two have a lot in common. Maybe there's something in the water in Alabama.

UGa v. Colorado. Where was the UGa defense early in this one? Hell, where was the offense? I didn't think Stafford played that poorly, but as one UGa friend of mine pointed out, he just wasn't in sync with the offense. The Dawgs needed a spark, and Cox was it. Good gut check for UGa.

Cal v. ASU. Did not expect the blowout, but I guess this is just like every other year for the Pac-10. ASU's defense is terrible, and Cal is good until they play USC.

That about covers the extent of the games I actually cared about today. So now, I have one more rant before I retire for the evening.

I was watching College Gameday Final, as I have been known to do on Saturday evenings, and Lou Holtz (again) made me want to hit him. Bitter, bitter man. The crew put up the Top 5: Ohio State, Auburn, USC, WVU, and Florida. The question is asked: "Who do you think should be number two?" Both Mark May and Lou Holtz agree it should be USC. Figures. Nothing new there. But then, the guys note that one team is missing--Michigan. So Holtz says, "Yeah, but who are you gonna drop? (These next three mockingly.) USC? West Virginia? Florida?" And then there was silence. I hope that Auburn smashes his former team by six hundred points on Thursday night. His obvious bias shines through every week, and it is getting old. That's all for me. Another Saturday in the books.


Friday, September 22, 2006

Thoughts and Games

I am, unfortunately, pretty darn busy this week, so I have to write this post in the amount of time it takes to cook ramen. So, hang with me. I'll start with the only games that are remotely interesting this weekend.

Penn State vs. Ohio State - Ohio State cannot play like it did against Cincy and win. So, it won't. Penn State wasn't exactly reloading USC-style. It'll be some time before this team comes together. Ohio State 34 -Penn State 10.

Iowa State v. Texas - Texas should dominate this game, but I still like Iowa State. QB Meyer is just fun to watch. Texas rolls, though, bc he can't do it all himself. Iowa State 13 - Texas 41.

Arizona State v. Cal - If I can steal a chance to watch a game, this will probably be it. I'm curious. I give the nod to ASU simply bc they have a proven QB. On the whole, Cal is probably the better team, but I'll go with the upset here. Arizona State 35 - Cal 34..

Alabama v. Arkansas - The Tide has struggled mightily, and the Hogs haven't wowed anyone. Mustain is geared up for the vaunted Bama D, but he must remember that it graduated already. This year's Tide defense is tough, but nowhere close to last year's defense. I like the Hogs, but just barely. Alabama 13 - Hogs 17.

Notre Dame v. Michigan State - After the way Michigan torched the Irish last week, they can do two things: lie down or stand up. I'm betting they don't lie down. Michigan State is an easy win if the Irish can stop QB Stanton. He's a one-man team in my opinion. Shut him down and you win. Hopefully, ND comes out with a chip on its shoulder and something to prove. ND 27 - MSU 24.

On to other matters. This morning on SportsCenter, they were debating who is #2 and #3. First, everyone gives the one spot to Ohio State. I think there is legitimate debate there. I think they've done enough to deserve the one spot for now, but they shouldn't get a free-pass as other teams prove themselves against competition that may be stiffer than Texas. Then, Holtz says USC is the "clear" #2, and that Florida is the 3, with West Virginia at 4. You think Holtz is still bitter over Tubby's comment about him not being able to win at South Carolina? Maybe so. He essentially said that Auburn managed almost no yards against LSU and "won the game on a controversial play." Alright Holtz, I'm calling you out. Anybody that watched that game knows damn well that that play did not "win the game" for Auburn. Was it a big play? Yeah. Was it the right one? I don't want to get into that bc somehow it will turn into a Pac-10 vs. SEC shouting match (or so history tells me). LSU scoring from where they would have gotten the ball, by the way, was not even close to a gimme, so don't give me that crap, Lou. We played the number six team in the country and won. Deal with it. In a related vein, why the hell does USC get a free-pass at the 2-spot? They're talented, but they haven't done much to prove it. They beat a mediocre Arkansas team and a solid Nebraska team. I'm sorry, but neither is LSU, Florida, or Georgia. The difference between a team in the top 10 and a team beyond 15 is usually night and day, especially as the season wears on. So the argument (made on ESPN, mind you) that "at the end of the season USC will have played more top 25 teams" is plain crap. Arizona State, Cal, Nebraska, Oregon, and Notre Dame. Of that bunch, two graced the top ten and were embarrassed. If there's any justice in this world, none but ND will claw their way back. Unfortunately, it's almost a given that either Cal or Oregon will make it up there. Neither is a top ten team. I hate to break it to you. Meanwhile, Auburn gets LSU, Florida, Georgia, and quite possibly one of these teams again. That's four TOP TEN teams. There is a huge difference between beating the sixth best team in the country and the twenty-first. (Those are random numbers, by the way, so don't read too much into it.)

Alright, i have ramen to eat, and I'm done ranting.


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Saturday Night Thoughts: Week Three

Wow. What a day. Separation Saturday lived up to its billing, unlike Texas/Ohio State. I have just turned my TV off for the first time in 14 hours. Amazing. I think we learned an awful lot today. Let's start from the top.

Clemson 27 - FSU 20. Good for Clemson. Anybody that was watching this game knows that this didn't feel like a seven point victory. In my book, this was a close one, and the Tigers actually pulled it out. I'm amazed. I'm glad I jumped off the FSU ship because, quite frankly, they just aren't that good. Say what you want, but I'm not convinced. This morning, as I watched one of the early games, Gottfried ran his top ten. He had FSU at two and LSU not even on the list. Does this guy even watch football? That ticked me off a bit, but I feel he should be enjoying his crow right about now, so I feel better.

Oklahoma 33 - Oregon 34.
Robbed. Granted, I did not believe the Sooners could pull this game out. I thought Oregon was just too solid of a team for AP to do it all himself. I was wrong. Stating the obvious here, but clearly the Oregon player touched the onside kick at about nine yards. However, if the Sooners had just caught it, there wouldn't have been a problem. Or if the defense had simply stood up and said "No." But neither happened, and somehow the call did not get overturned. This is not the first time this year that instant replay officials have clearly made a bad call. At some point, they need to take a class on what "indisputable" means, as well. Regardless, Oregon won, but it doesn't really feel like it.

Iowa 27 - Iowa State 17. Not exactly the statement win the Hawkeyes needed to be taken seriously, but they played with some passion in the second half, and that was nice to see. This was a hard-fought game that was much closer than the score indicated, but I'm glad to see Iowa finally win one against the Cyclones. Iowa is good enough to give anyone in the Big Ten a run for their money, but I doubt they are good enough to beat either Michigan or Ohio State.

Louisville 31 - Miami 7. Well, though I was not expecting the Canes to score so low, it is not incredibly surprising. Against teams with a pulse, Miami's offense has not exactly dazzled. If there were two overrated teams going into this season, I think most people can agree that they were Miami and FSU. They just aren't that good. They are above average, but when they play a title-game caliber opponent, they'll fold. Louisville, meanwhile, is for real. Even I am looking forward to the tilt with West Virginia. It should be a good one. It'd still be nice if either team didn't play in the Big East, but such is life.

TCU 12 - Texas Tech 3. I'm surprised. Really. Only three points from a Mike Leach team? Are you kidding me? Now I have to wait and see what Texas Tech does against the rest of the Big 12 so that I can put TCU in the right spot. Beating the Red Raiders does make a statement for the Horned Frogs. Defense wins championships right? And apparently TCU has a reliable field goal kicker, which is something to be valued. Looks like TCU's got a great chance of hittin' up a BCS bowl.

USC 28 - Nebraska 10. Good game from the Huskers. It was obvious from the opening kickoff that there was more talent at every position on USC's side of the ball. Still, Nebraska pounded the ball, tried some trickeration, and kept the game close. I like that a lot. After listening to ESPN Gameday, though, you'd think USC just beat the Steelers. Nebraska played a hard game, certainly, but they are no title contender. USC is still a question mark in my book. I'm not sold yet. Meanwhile, things are looking up for Nebraska. Anything less than a Big 12 North title would be a let down.

Michigan 47 - ND 21. Ouch. This one set back the Irish program a bit, and Brady Quinn might reconsider his reservations for NY at year's end. Just not a good game. Period. Michigan exploited every weakness ND had to offer, and the Wolverine defense came to play. I expected Michigan to win, but I did not expect a blowout. Kudos to Michigan. See, that's why I had them #1 in my first poll. All that potential was just yet to be realized. I'm curious where I'll put them this week.

Before I get to the big games of the day (in my humble opinion), I did want to note that Ohio State is getting a free-pass on the #1 spot. I don't like that. Yes, they beat Texas. Yes, Texas is good. However, Texas is not Texas 2005. It was a solid win, but you can't ride it forever. The Buckeyes are great, but they strugged in the first half against Cincy. Somehow that translated into Gameday saying they "played like the #1 team." Really? Is that how you do it?

And then there's West Virginia. The Mountaineers looked good against Maryland, but it was Maryland. I am very tired of everyone wanting to had Steve Slaton the freakin' Heisman. He is a good back, and he is blazing fast. However, he is not a great running back. He is a great sprinter. He is good for six if he gets in the clear, but I have yet to see him break tackles, running through, over, and around everyone in sight. When he does that against quality competition, I'll concede he's a great back. Until then, he's good and very fast.

Now on to the huge games.

Florida 21 - Tennessee 20. Anything less would have been a let down. This game was simply great. Back and forth, with great defense and great offense, these teams just didn't quit. There were key penalties that cost both teams pretty big, but in the end, they probably evened out. This was great football, and I think the better team did win. Ainge played well again, and it is hard to find fault with anyone really. The Gators simply played 1 points worth of harder. I know that's pretty hard to describe, but that's all it was. A coin flip. I am curious to see how the rest of the season goes now. I thought that if Tennessee were to win this game, it'd have a good shot of winning the East. UGa doesn't have the offensive fire-power to get there, in my opinion. Tennessee has LSU left on the schedule, but Florida has both LSU and Auburn. Because of this arrangement, Tennessee can realistically back into the SEC Championship game if Florida loses to both LSU and Auburn (a distinct possibility, mind you). So, all is not lost for the Vols, and this should make for a more intersting race in the East.


Auburn 7 - LSU 3. Oh my goodness, sweet mercy, that was the greatest game I have seen in a long time. I am a lover of defensive struggles because every play is so tense. The defenses in this game were lights out! Un-freakin' believable! Nobody can look me square in the eye and say that those two teams do not have two of the best defenses in the country. And then there were the offenses. This was not, in any way, shape, or form, a rehash of Miami/FSU. That horrendous offensive display should be wiped from everyone's memory. This game had star power, and those stars made big plays when it counted. Did Kenny Irons break one? No. Did JaMarcus Russell throw an 80-yard bomb? No. But did each play a damn fine game and put their teams in the best position to win? That they did. Everybody stepped up on both sides. Irons had a good day against this defense. He made the runs when Auburn really needed to get something going. Same goes for Courtney Taylor. He made the plays when Auburn needed them. Brandon Cox, cool as a cucumber, keeps the team moving. How could anyone not love Cox eluding a tackler, throwing the ball away, getting drilled, staying down, and then jumping up and running off the field! You wanna talk about a crowd pleaser? Jordan-Hare was going nuts! I was going nuts! On the other side, LSU's receivers got free all day long. They never busted one, but they were a thorn in the side of Auburn's secondary all day. Quick and fast, Auburn's corners just hung on for the ride and hoped they got help. Speaking of help, I must confess Auburn got some. The pass interference call should not have been overturned. That was a great play by Brock, but the interference was before the tip. That wouldn't have given the game to LSU, but it would have made a difference, so we'll never know. Here's why I don't feel bad about it. After watching this game, I believe Auburn or LSU could beat any team in the country. I stand by that 100% and I will fight to my last breath to prove you wrong if you say otherwise. And yet, somebody had to lose this game. If ever the "we beat each other up, so we can't win National Championships" argument were to apply, this game shows you why. As I said before this game, "It's a toss-up." It was. Auburn just happened to come down on the right side of it. So to LSU, I say run the table. I hope Auburn does the same. WAR DAMN EAGLE!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Week Three Preview

Well, it's still not midnight yet, so this counts. It's been one crazy long week, so I apologize for the lateness of this post. However, I did want to weigh in on my thoughts before "separation Saturday." With this great line-up, they should declare a national holiday. Let's get to it.

FSU v. Clemson - I am jumping off the Florida State ship. Sorry. The defense is still good, but the offense is...well...not. Clemson has a pretty good offense, and the Tigers are probably still a little ticked about last week. I think FSU will probably win this game, just because Clemson can never win a close game. However, I'm still picking Clemson because I like their offense's chance to put up some points on FSU. Hell, if Troy can do it, why can't they? FSU 13 - Clemson 22. (If the final score was within one score, Clemson couldn't possibly win, so the margin has to be nine.)

Oklahoma v. Oregon - I have not gotten to see Oklahoma play yet, but I am not hearing good things out of Norman. Adrian Peterson is good, but he cannot win a game against Oregon by himself. The Sooners have scraped by so far, but it catches up with them this weekend against the Ducks. I expect Oregon to run all over Oklahoma, but the Sooners will keep it close for pride's sake...and because they have Adrian Peterson. Oklahoma 14 - Oregon 23.

Iowa v. Iowa State - It's the match-up of two wildly inconsistent teams. Iowa State has been dominant against the Hawkeyes lately (though I certainly can't figure out why). I like Iowa simply bc they have Tate back and are playing at Iowa. The Hawkeyes have got to have a big game tomorrow if anyone is going to take them seriously. Iowa 35 - Iowa State 23.

Louisville v. Miami - Louisville will score a ton of points against Miami. Miami's defense (at least their secondary) is lights out. However, Louisville is an offensive machine. Fortunately for the Canes, the Cardinals do not believe in defense. I think this should be a great game, but Louisville will break through the Miami defense too many times for the Hurricanes to hang with them. Louisville 24 - Miami 20.

TCU v. Texas Tech - I still like the Red Raiders. TCU currently has the longest winning streak in the nation, and it always bothers me when a non-BCS team has that record. Texas Tech needs to win one for all of football tomorrow and put TCU in its rightful place. Are the Horned Frogs good? I'm sure. However, they'd never survive in a real conference. TCU 27 - Texas Tech 41.

USC v. Nebraska - How good are the Huskers? Nobody really knows yet. They look great, but they haven't played anyone yet. And then there's USC. How much do we really know about USC? The offense looks great, but so does Nebraska's. The defense looks great, but so does Nebraska's. I think USC wins this game simply bc Nebraska isn't quite there yet, and there is simply way too much talent at USC. I hope the Huskers give them a good run, though. USC 37 - Nebraska 24.

Notre Dame v. Michigan - Who knows? Notre Dame looks like it's old self, but it did it against Penn State, a team that we still know very little about. Michigan looked decent against Vandy, but hardly as dominant as it should have. The offense appeared to click last week, but it did so against inferior competition. I really think Michigan can pull this one out. They offense is balanced, and the UM running game is looking pretty solid. I personally don't care much for Mike Hart or Grady, but they are both good enough to get the job done. I think that the Michigan defense will be fiesty as well, and can keep Brady Quinn in check. Upset special. ND 20 - Michigan 24.

Tennessee v. Florida - I really went back and forth on this one. At the beginning of the season I mentioned that I thought UT was good enough to win the East. Tomorrow, we find out. Florida is looking good right now, but so is Tennessee for the most part. Ainge is playing like a man possessed, but the defense is severely banged up. I think the offenses will cancel each other out, and Florida has the stronger defense. Hence, I give the edge to UF. Vols 14 - Gators 21.

Auburn v. LSU - WAR DAMN EAGLE! Honestly, let's not evaluate this one too closely. It's a toss-up. Solid QB's, great RB's, great CB's. There are two keys to this game. One, Auburn's secondary is young (the safeties, at least), and LSU's WRs are scary good and scary fast. Secondly, LSU has restaffed its front seven, and Auburn ran all over the last seven last year. If Auburn cannot run the ball effectively, LSU wins. Brandon Cox cannot win the game himself. However, if Auburn can shut down LSU's WRs, I think LSU cannot win the game. Either way, you know where to find me at 2:30. Auburn 13 - LSU 10.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Power 22: Week Two

Some interesting changes this week, but I have a feeling things will really get shaken up after this week's match-ups.

1. LSU - The Tigers looked downright scary against Arizona. Granted, Arizona played rather poorly, but a lot of that was due to LSU's speed and pressure. Meanwhile, RB Alley Broussard made it look easy. These guys are FAST.

2. Auburn - The real Tigers in the SEC looked good, but not great. Yes, Mississippi State's front seven is good, but I was disappointed in the inability to really break one in the running game, other than one twenty-yard scamper by Lester. The defense played well, but I am still somewhat concerned with Auburn's inability to stop the run, particularly with the Tiger's undersized line/linebackers squaring off against a 250 lb.+ RB in Broussard.

3. Ohio State - It was a very businesslike win over a very solid team. Texas played without any real fire, and I think that showed in this game. The defense rose to the occasion, and the offense played very well. I'm glad Ohio State is starting to get into Big Ten play now, because we'll really get a chance to see just how good they are.

4. West Virginia - I don't know if we'll ever find out if this team is great, but they certainly are miles ahead of the rest of the Big East (except Louisville, of course).

5. Notre Dame - Very good win against Penn State, but I won't proclaim the Irish a solid top five pick yet. We knew very little about Penn State coming into this game, so the blowout does not totally surprise anyone. Either way, it was a dominating win. My one note is that it seemed Weiss was trying to lay it on pretty thick when he didn't need to. Maybe he was trying to build up some of the poll love that he lost against GaTech.

6. Louisville - Even without Bush, the Cardinals roll. They get the Miami defense this week, so let's see how that works out.

7. Michigan - I still like Michigan, and the offense seems to be coming along. ND is the big test.

8. Florida - The Gators played very well, but we'll find out how far they've come this weekend against the Vols.

9. Tennessee - I find it hard to believe they weren't looking ahead to Florida, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. As it is, QB Ainge is playing lights out. The winner of Saturday's game may very well determine who wins the East.

10. Texas - They are still a great team, but they lack that extra something that is found in championship teams. I guess they'll have to settle for winning the Big 12. It appears the conference is a little deeper this year than in year's past, with several teams playing well out of the gates. Someone may give Texas a run for their money, but they are way ahead of everyone else in terms of talent, except maybe Oklahoma. However, with the Sooners relying solely on Adrian Peterson, Texas should handle them without much difficulty.

11. VaTech - We still know nothing, but they are looking good.

12. Nebraska - See VaTech. We'll find out how far Nebraska has come this weekend when they square off against USC. So far, though, they've looked impressive.

13. Oregon - Solid win over Fresno. Fresno is fiesty, so it was nice to see a Pac-10 team finish.

14. Miami - The offense finally came alive, even it was against an overmatched opponent. Louisville should present a test this weekend, but the Cardinals defense is not exactly how they win games. Should be a good one.

15. Georgia - The Dawgs must rely on Stafford to get it done for several weeks. He's got great potential, but I don't know if he can get it done just yet. Getting all the first team reps will certainly help.

16. Fresno State - Great game against Oregon. Fresno can play with anybody, but the mental weakness of the Pac-10 usually rubs off on Fresno toward the end of the year.

17. Boston College - Upset of Clemson earns you the spot. I like QB Ryan. He was really coming along late last year. This team has potential, considering the ACC has looked like crap so far this year.

18. Georgia Tech - Easy win. They can be dangerous in this year's ACC.

19. Penn State - I still feel this is about where they belong in the polls. They're good, but they aren't there yet. Give them time.

20. Clemson - They still have all sorts of potential, but they are Clemson. If they can lose a close game, they will.

21. Arizona State - I like the way they played this week. They get a tune-up before they head to Cal for a nice Pac-10 showdown.

22. Cal - They appear to finally be playing up their potential, but they won't get much love from me unless they knock off the Sun Devils.

On the Cusp: TCU, Texas Tech, Oklahoma, Iowa, Florida State.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Weekend Review

Not all of the games are complete just yet, but most are. Currently, only Fresno/Oregon is on, and that one may turn out to be a great game, but I don't feel like staying up until 1am to comment on it, so I'll leave it alone for now. Here are my thoughts on what I saw today.

Starting from the top, Ohio State's win really surprised me. I feel like Texas played well-enough to win this game, but they never came up with the big play when they needed it. In fact, when they needed it, they shot themselves in the foot. That's not how you win big games. Both teams are very good, though, and I stand by that. I'm actually happy with this result because I feel Ohio State will be tested more in the Big Ten race than Texas will be in the Big 12. I like that nobody gets a free ride this year (except maybe USC). Of course, that may be harsh, because the Trojans do have Nebraska, Arizona State, Cal, UCLA, Oregon, and ND. That's not too shabby. Here's to a wide-open national championship race.

ACC. NC State and FSU should be ashamed of themselves. Akron and Troy are both scrappy teams, but the talent level at the ACC schools should have been enough to win. I'm disappointed in both. Of course, I expect this sort of performance out of Chuck Amato's boys. This weeks performance by FSU, though, I feel vindicates my placing them so low in my Power 22 Poll. I don't see what everybody else does. Moving around a bit, VaTech continued to look good. UNC's defense made life tough early, but the Hokies eventually ran away with it. And then there was Duke. Poor, lowly Duke. I was rooting for them. Can Wake really be that bad? I think so. Finally, we have Clemson getting upset by BC. Yes, it was an upset, but it was not a great upset. BC has the talent to get the job done, and they played just slightly better (an extra point better). I would like to get a chance to see more than highlights of BC, but I have yet to see a game broadcast in this area. From what I have seen of the ACC, though, I have not been impressed. They are certainly not playing like a new "Power" conference.

Big Ten. Michigan and Rutgers (vs. Illinois) took care of business. I'm glad Michigan is playing well. If the kinks have been worked out of their offense, next weeks showdown with ND should be awesome. I can't wait. Meanwhile, ND handily dispatched of Penn State. Everyone is now aware of how far back Penn State has fallen. They are still a good team, but ND is clearly a level above them. I think the Nittany Lions should stay ranked right about where they are, honestly. I think the 19-20 range is right for this group. I'll come back briefly to ND in a minute, but I was happy to see the offense back to its old self again. And finally, we have Iowa, who barely hangs on to beat Syracuse. I won't say too much except that QB Drew Tate must be the glue that holds the Hawkeyes together. Without him, they looked lost. The backup throwing four INTs certainly didn't help. In fact, it's probably a testament to the Hawkeyes' defense that they overcame numerous turnovers and still won. I also have to give Iowa's goal-line D some mad props. They hung strong at the end and absolutely set up a wall on the goal line. I was impressed. Ugly win, but Iowa will take it and hope Tate comes back soon.

Big 12. Ole Miss was beaten mercilessly by Mizzou. I was honestly a little surprised, but I hadn't seen Mizzou play yet. They looked pretty good. Of course, Ole Miss had yet to play defense at the level it achieved last year, and that has been very disappointing. The offense struggled, but the unit is still trying to find its groove. It will get better and better as the season goes on. I'm gonna be keeping my eyes on Mizzou, though. I want to see what they do in the North. Speaking of teams in the North, Nebraska rolled yet again. We'll find out how far they've really come next week when they meet USC. Other than the ongoing shoot-out between UTEP and Texas Tech, nothing else interesting happened.

Big East. West Virginia won by a lot. So did Louisville. Does anyone care about anybody else?

Pac-10. The only intersting game was Minnesota vs. Cal. I was curious as to how Cal would respond to the blowout against the Vols. Minnesota had been looking good, and I took the Gophers on the upset. However, Cal showed some guts and stuck it to its Big Ten foe. Good for them. I hope they play up to their potential, because it makes the SEC look that much better, and it means there's a legitimate shot they can knock off Southern Cal.

SEC. It was a ho-hum day in the SEC, for the most part. Auburn took care of business, and LSU absolutely blasted Arizona. 'Zona played like a young team that had never visited Death Valley before. It wasn't pretty. Florida rolled as well. Tennessee looked to have Air Force right where it wanted it, but suddenly Coach DeBerry was calling for the two-point conversion and the win. Say what? Air Force simply wouldn't go away. I'm wondering how much of this game may have been Tennessee looking ahead to next week's showdown with Florida. I know, I game at a time. But does anybody really believe that? Either way, the Vols hung on to win by one. Scary, but a win. Speaking of scary, Bama 13 - Vandy 10. Whew. I thought Vandy may give them a run for their money, and they certainly did. I didn't get to see this game, but I followed it on Gametracker, and it looked like Bama was very lucky to get out of this one with a win. Has Vandy gotten better or has Bama fallen that far back? I think it's a little of both, but more of the latter. One day, Bama fans will wake up and realize that this year's team just isn't that good. Sorry. Somebody had to break the news to you. You're just lucky it's me and not Vandy. Next was the South Carolina and Georgia game. I hate that Joe T went down hurt early, but I don't think anybody was really disappointed that they had to watch Matt Stafford play the whole game. This kid looks great. Did he make some mistakes, certainly. His deep balls were a little off, but I think that has a lot to do with working on his timing with the receivers. Since he's not getting much work with the first-team, he certainly can't be expected to immediately be on the same page with his receivers. It will come, and he's going to be very, very good. The Georgia defense pitched a shut-out, but only USC's stumbles kept this game from being close. UGa is still a very good team with a great defense and a serviceable offense, but they will need to turn in a better offensive performance if they expect to win the East. I suggest you start by getting Stafford more reps with the first team.

So, I apologize that I cannot comment on Texas Tech/ UTEP or Fresno/Oregon, but you know how those West Coast games are.

One more thought. It occurred to me that Auburn and ND are both ranked fourth. With Auburn dominating Mississippi State and ND doing likewise to Penn State, it would certainly be understandable for ND to pull slightly ahead of Auburn in the polls. I can live with that. What bothers me is that if ND wins (even barely) next week against Michigan and Auburn pounds LSU, Auburn will again probably lose ground. Had Auburn beaten LSU this week and ND beaten Penn State, does anybody not think that ND would be ranked higher anyways? I've never understood the whole love affair with ND really, but it is an undeniable fact. All I can say is that if Ohio State, ND, and Auburn run the table, does anybody doubt that the Tigers will be on the outside looking in yet again? Now I know it is still very very early to be stating this, but the possibility that it could happen is disturbing.

That's all for me.

War Eagle!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Week Two Preview

Due to time restraints, I can't really do these picks justice, but I'll try my best.

Ohio State at Texas

We know basically nothing about either of these teams after last week. The only thing to be worried about is how Garret Wolfe carved up the Buckeyes. Texas should have no problems doing the same. This should be a great game regardless, but I expect Texas to grind it out on the ground (especially considering they are still breaking in Colt McCoy. Ohio State has a chance simply because it's offense is that good. However, Texas' defense is also a solid unit and should play the Buckeyes tougher than any other team on their schedule. Hence, Texas wins. Ohio State 21 - Texas 27.

Clemson at Boston College

Everybody is still riding high on Clemson, and after last weeks solid performance, there is no reason to doubt the Tigers yet. Meanwhile, BC struggled early last week. I think Clemson should be able to pull this one out, but BC does have the potential to upset Clemson. Clemson 34 - BC 24.

Ole Miss at Missouri

I hope this game is on TV where I can see it. I liked what I saw out of the Rebel's offense last week, but the defense gave up a lot more yards than I expected. Meanwhile, many pundits feel that Missouri is a much improved team this year. I have yet to see them play, but if the Ole Miss defense can regain its 2005 form, the Rebs can win this game. Ole Miss 21 - Missouri 17.

Texas Tech at UTEP

People are making way too big a deal about this game and about QB (Carson) Palmer('s little brother). I don't care that your big brother is famous. I have seen you play, and you played horribly. I refuse to believe this Palmer can play with the big boys. Texas Tech's system will beat UTEP. The Red Raiders' defense has been making strides in recent years, and UTEP is, well, UTEP. Texas Tech 42 - UTEP 27.

Penn State at Notre Dame

New QB Anthony Morelli looked good in the opener, but there was no running game whatsoever for the Nittany Lions. If a team is one-dimensional, even ND's secondary can probably hang with them. I think this will be a solid game and I certainly will watch it. ND's offense will hopefully rebound this week (I know they want to), and I don't see Penn State's defense doing too much about it. Is Penn State's defense good? Certainly. But so were many defenses that Brady Quinn carved up last year. I have faith in his abilities now that the opening game jitters are out of the system. Penn State 23 - ND 31.

Arizona at LSU

Seriously, does anybody really think Arizona can pull this off? No, I didn't think so. Arizona 13 - LSU 27.

Minnesota at Cal

Minnesota looked great last week. They threw in a new RB and dominated, while QB Brian Cupito went 8 of 13 for 146. Solid line. Not fantastic, but solid. Cal looked like someone smacked it in the face. Oh wait...that's because someone smacked it in the face. I'm curious to see if they'll rebound or if they'll lie down. Pac-10 teams are not exactly known for their intestinal fortitude. I pick the Gophers as my upset, but just barely. I don't think Minnesota can bottle up Marshawn Lynch like the Vols did. Minnesota 21 - Cal 17.

Oregon at Fresno State

I watched Fresno play, but I have not seen Oregon. By all accounts, Oregon looked great. Fresno dragged for a while against a decent Nevada team. I think Oregon out-classes Fresno in this one, but Fresno always seems to hang around. Having this game at home may make a difference, but I think Oregon can grind it out on the ground. Oregon 17 - Fresno State 13 (Wait, this is the West Coast. I have to adjust for the lack of defense) Oregon 27 - Fresno State 23.

Georgia at South Carolina

This may be the game in which Matt Stafford breaks out. South Carolina's defense is good, but it has received way too much credit for the shutout at Mississippi State. I mean, come on. It was Mississippi State. Georgia has talent that Sylvester Croom can only dream about, and that will be apparent in this game. South Carolina always has a way of playing the Dawgs tough, but UGa will get the W. With a stable of quality RBs and QBs, UGa will out-talent South Carolina. Not even Spurrier's coaching can save the Gamecocks if their offense resembles what I saw last week. QB Blake Mitchell really has to kick it up a notch for USC to hang with Georgia. In the event Joe T falters at QB, I would not be surprised to see Stafford in the game. However, Joe T has paid his dues and probably has a lot of slack from Richt. Georgia 28 - South Carolina 14.

Vanderbilt at Alabama

I think I may be the only person that thinks this game has potential to be interesting. Bama's defense was not exactly dominating last week. While Vandy lost Jay Cutler, I like their new QB. He is young and will make mistakes, but he plays hard and is very mobile. Maybe not this year, but somewhere down the line, this guy could be good. I do expect Bama to win. However, Vandy played Michigan fairly tough. Well, actually, Michigan just couldn't close the deal. Either way, the score was close for a while. Bama wins in a closer game than the final score will indicate. Vandy 12 - Bama 27.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Power 22: Week One

Reminder that my poll is based on how teams are playing right now. After watching every game I could this weekend, here is how things shake out.

1. Auburn - I didn't start them here, but they played ridiculously well. Other than a slight bust in the secondary, the offense looks unstoppable and the defense played solid. I can't wait til the date with LSU.

2. LSU - Defense played dominating ball and the offense took care of business. I'll get a better feel for LSU after they play Arizona this coming weekend. Zona isn't great, but they are more along the lines of a Wazzou and definitely an upgrade over Louisiana-Lafayette.

3. Texas - The defense looked incredible, and though the offense looked good, it was against North Texas. The test comes this weekend against Ohio State.

4. USC - They looked mortal at times, but are still clearly the frontrunner in the Pac-10. Pete Carroll continues to plug and chug.

5. West Virginia - Yes, it was Marshall, but sadly, this may be one of their tougher games. The Mountaineers still looked great, and with Louisville RB Bush going down for the count, West Virginia's chances of winning the Big East and running the table just increased exponentially. And if they do run the table and get left out, I don't feel one bit sorry for them. I'm a bitter Auburn fan.

6. Tennessee - Questions answered. Bring on Florida.

7. Ohio State - The offense was great. Twenty-eight points in the first quarter was fantastic. However, the competition was hardly stiff, and the Texas defense will make life a bit harder. The defense is the reason for the drop. Northern Illinois RB Garrett Wolfe ripped the Buckeyes a new one. I tend to believe Texas is better. We'll see.

8. Michigan - The defense looked great (only a trick play prevented a Vandy shutout), and the offense sparkled and then died. Michigan showed signs of what it could do, and it looked fantastic. However, the offense just didn't click after the opening drive, really. If they don't get it together soon, they won't stay this high for long. Let's see what they do against Notre Dame.

9. Louisville - Loosing Bush hurts big time. That kid is just plain good. Luckily, Louisville has capable backups and a great QB in Brian Brohm. Add in a fairly easy schedule, and only Miami and West Virginia stand in their way. The defense is a major question mark, though, after giving up twenty-eight points to Kentucky.

10. Iowa - They have all the pieces, and they looked good. Nothing much to stay until they play some better teams.

11. Clemson - See Iowa. Yay, a win over Florida Atlantic. Hell, my flag football team would look good against them.

12. Notre Dame - The Irish struggled mightily in the opener, but they got the win. I did like what I saw on defense, but GaTech is not known for its offensive explosiveness. The Irish get Penn State this weekend, so lets see what new QB Anthony Morelli can do to the secondary.

13. Penn State - Speak of the devil. The Nittany Lions looked good in the opener, and the new QB played quite well. I am worried about the running game, though.

14. Virginia Tech - New QB Sean Glennon fit right in, going 15-18 for 222 yards. Nice debut. We won't know anything about the Hokies until late September.

15. Florida - Not a great start to the year. I was not impressed by what I read/saw about this game. Florida should run laps around Southern Miss, and that's certainly not disrespecting Southern Miss. It's time for Florida to put up or shut up or the Vols will do it for them.

16. Florida State - After watching the FSU/Miami game, I don't think either team deserves to be in the Top 25. Not really, but that was an awful game. Both offenses looked pretty bad for most of the night. Each had flashes of brightness in which it looked like the offense had practiced before, but they were few and far between. Yes, the defenses played well, but the offenses were TERRIBLE. The 'Noles cannot ride their defense all year with the meager offensive performance they got tonight. The running game was also horrendous.

17. Nebraska - Nice debut against LaTech. The Huskers were a little slow out of the gates, but it was clear they were trying to establish a running presence before they busted out the big guns. The win was solid and convincing, so let's see what they do from here.

18. Georgia Tech - Yes, I feel this is a little low. However, the offense continues to not play up to potential. The defense played well, as it usually does. Georgia Tech's mental fortitude is always a question, though. They are guaranteed to win at least one game that they shouldn't and lose two that they should.

19. Miami - The secondary was ridiculously good. They played lights out. However, the offense was terrible. FSU's defense was good, but there were way too many mistakes in the 'Canes opener, including (in case you missed it) a dropped handoff, a snap to the center's butt, and a dropped pass in the hands. I belive that was in order and occurred on the most important series of the game. surprise they picked up the L.

20. Georgia - Serviceable win. Nothing great against Western Kentucky. Solid performance that everyone expected. Tereshinski looked average, and Stafford looked good. I wonder how long Stafford will stay on the bench next week.

21. Oregon - Oregon turned in a solid performance against Stanford. Nothing much to take away from week one. Let's see if they can challenge USC for Pac-10 supremacy.

22. Arkansas - What? Didn't they let USC put up fifty against them? Yes, they did. However, the defense played well. The offense put them in horrible positions all night. I did, though, see highly touted QB Mitch Mustain come in and prompty direct a very short touchdown drive like it was a high school game. I liked that. Spot number 22 for the Hogs is really one for the boys. This is a morale booster. There were lots of good things to take away from this game, and the SEC West just got a lot more dangerous.

On the Cusp: Texas Tech, TCU, Fresno State, South Carolina, Oklahoma.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Saturday Night Thoughts

So after watching as many games as humanly possible with basic cable, here are my thoughts on the day. We'll take it from the top.

Ohio State and Texas both looked good in their respective blowouts. However, Ohio State gave up chunks of yardage to Garret Wolfe, and that is a problem that needs to be fixed immediately. If it's not, the Buckeyes' offense better be on its A-game next weekend to have a chance.

Auburn rolled and looked great. LSU won big, as did Florida (after early struggles) and West Virginia. We learned very little about LSU, Florida, or West Virginia in the process, though. That's unfortunate.

Notre Dame played hard, but the offense was off for most of the night. Of course, part of that is due to GaTech's defense. The defense played pretty well, but Calvin Johnson still got over 100 yards. Of course, I think he would do that against anybody's secondary. If nothing else, this game should raise some questions as to Notre Dame's ability to make it through the next three weeks. On that note, Penn State looked great, Michigan turned in a somewhat sloppy, easy victory, and Michigan State did not look very good. We'll know a lot more about all of these teams a month from now.

As far as Michigan goes, the offense clicked early and then decided to stop. Someone needs to take that gun away from the Wolverines because they have practically blown off their foot by now. I still believe this team can do great things, but they have yet to show that special spark that defines a championship-worthy team.

Nebraska played well. They ran the ball to death in the first half, but the offense opened up in the second half as the Huskers ran away with it. I am starting to come around to Nebraska, but I need to see more. September 16th is shaping up to be one hell of a weekend. After seeing the way USC played Arkansas, I think the Huskers can take them. I'm not picking anybody yet, but Nebraska can give the Trojans a run. The only glaring problem that I see is team speed. Nebraska is seriously lacking in it, and USC is as fast as any team in the SEC. Two weeks.

Tennessee smacked Cal in the mouth, and that was certainly unexpected. I thought the Vols would win by keeping Lynch in check. They virtually shut him down (and the rest of Cal, for that matter). I did not see a blowout coming, but as I stated in prior posts: Look out SEC East. Here come the Vols. Florida gets the first shot. Two weeks.

Oklahoma looked ugly. Of course, what did we expect? They won, but just barely. I think Oregon will thrash them something fierce in two weeks. Anybody else seeing a theme here? Is there anything going on next week besides ND/Penn State and Ohio State/Texas? I'll have to look into that.

As far as games on Thursday and Friday, Arizona State did not look good. South Carolina's defense looked great against a poor Mississippi State defense, but I did like the play of Mississippi State's RB Anthony Dixon. He may be the next Jerious Norwood. Fresno looked great, and then horrible, and then average. There's no telling with this team. On that note, I love Nevada's pistol offense. Innovation is fun. Made for a good game.

So that pretty much covers this first weekend, minus a few meaningless games and the Miami/FSU game. I felt I should go ahead and post this prior to Monday, but my next Power 22 Poll will come out after that game, obviously. Before I sign off, my picks are 8-0 with two games to go.


Friday, September 01, 2006

Power 22 Preseason Poll

I know this technically isn't "pre-season," but I think it's close enough to count. So here's my list.

1. Michigan - I don't know why, but I really like Michigan this year. I thought they played well last year and just missed out on winning several big games. This could be the year. They have the QB, WR, and RB down, so if they play like they can and the defense plays well, Michigan has the talent to be at the top. Is number one a bit ambitious? Probably so, but in a season like this one, can you honestly make a better guess? I don't see any obvious holes, other than Lloyd Carr's coaching (sorry, that was probably uncalled for). They have one big game at home in Iowa. The three tough road games are at Notre Dame, at Penn State, and at Ohio State to end the year. Things could change a lot between now and the Ohio State game, but I'm going to be watching closely in two weeks when the Wolverines visit Notre Dame. We'll find out a lot about Michigan come week three.

2. Auburn - As much as I wanted to put them at number one, I felt I must show some restraint. The new secondary presents some questions, as do new wide receivers, but Auburn is stacked on both sides of the ball. The coaching staff got better in the offseason with the addition of defensive coordinator Will Muschamp, and I hear RB Kenny Irons got faster and stronger....that's a scary thought.

3. LSU - Yes, I know there are questions. However, the talent is there. QB, RB, and WR are all solid. The lines are questions, but hopefully other assets can help diffuse some of the pressure. The secondary is also a plus for the Bayou Bengals, but the schedule--not so much.

4. Miami - I like Miami. Again, this is more of a gut decision, but I have seen them play some magical football that reminds me of the title teams of several years ago. If QB Kyle Wright gets his groove and a running game emerges, I think the 'Canes can score just enough that they can ride the defense to wins. We'll find out just how good they are right away. Here comes FSU...

5. Ohio State - I think Ohio State is overrated. Yes, the offense is good. Yes, the defense is usually good. However, nobody loses as much as the Buckeyes did on defense and does not suffer a drop-off. Huge question mark. I think Ohio State benefited from beating an overhyped ND team at the end of last year and rode it to lofty preseason rankings.

6. Texas - I don't believe a freshman QB can step in and win a national championship. However, I think the Big 12 in general is not going to be good this year (like last year), so the road is fairly easy. Luckily for Colt McCoy, the rest of the team is loaded with talent. If Texas can miraculously slip past Ohio State, the rest of the season should not prove too incredibly difficult. If with a loss to Ohio State, the high preseason rankings and the remaining schedule make a repeat BCS appearance quite likely.

7. Louisville - At least they're playing Miami. You could argue West Virginia should be above Louisville, but one game seasons don't impress me much. I like the offense, and it's the Big East.

8. USC - They are absolutely loaded at every position (even the new ones). They just haven't had the opportunity to prove it yet. I really wanted to rank USC lower since they are breaking in a new QB and RBs, but after personally seeing how Leinart and Bush responded in their debutes, I couldn't pull the trigger. Until someone dethrones them, they are still the Pac-10 frontrunner.

9. Notre Dame - Some of you were probably wondering where the Irish went. No, I didn't forget them, and no, I don't hate the Irish. I think the secondary is a gigantic question mark, as is team speed. I think they will be lucky to get out of September without two losses. If they are still undefeated come October 1, they may have made a believer out of me.

10. West Virginia - I cannot argue with the talent Steve Slaton and Pat White. However, if someone tells me West Virginia should be ranked number one, I will yell at them until they cower in a corner crying like a little school girl. Louisville. That's it. Louisville. Make an effort. Prove to me you belong here.

11. Florida - Yeah, yeah, yeah...Florida has talent...blah, blah, blah....Urban Renewal....yada, yada, yada. Seriously, they have no running back, and they run an offense that has yet to prove successful in the SEC. Meanwhile, Meyer still has a QB that doesn't fit his system. At least the defense is good. Can Florida win all of its games? Sure. Will it? Not if it plays anywhere close to how it did last year. The schedule is a killer too, so that certainly won't help. As an added bonus, though, I propose that if Florida runs the table, they be given the national title before the championship game. Honestly, they would have earned it. Besides, there is precedent (see Alabama).

12. Florida State - To me, this team is a major question mark. They had no running game last year, but now everyone is saying they're going to have a great running game. QB Weatherford was inconsistent last year as a freshman (who could blame him?), and he should improve this year. The defense was pretty good, but I don't feel it played up to its talent level. FSU can play with anybody, but it is far from the dominant squad that won so many ACC titles (of course, at the time the ACC resembled the current Big East, but that's neither here nor there).

13. Iowa - Everybody else seems to love them, but who can honestly believe in the them? Choke artists. They are nearly as bad as Michigan State in my book. I like Drew Tate and Albert Young, but until you actually make some noise in the Big Ten, you fly under the radar. I am ranking Iowa here on potential and experience, but I'm hardly confident they'll climb much higher.

14. Clemson - Somehow Clemson got better by losing Charlie Whitehurst. I'll have to see it to believe it. However, I did like the way Clemson played at the end of last year. If that carried over, they can play with anyone.

15. Tennessee - I almost wanted to rank them higher, but I felt that if I did, I'd probably be dropping them out after the first weekend. Mental toughness. That will define the Vols' season. If they beat Cal, look out SEC. If they don't, Vandy will start looking forward to its season finale.

16. Cal - I'm not sold. I'm tired of hearing all of the "Marshawn Lynch is the greatest back in the world and he runs a 3.1 forty backwards in flippers" talk. If he runs successfully against Tennessee's run defense, then I'll give him props. Until then, he's just another West Coast wanna-be running back. You wanna prove your worth? Do it in the SEC.

17. Georgia - I'd feel dirty picking against the Dawgs for anything. Mark Richt finds a way to win. However, this does not appear to be his year. He has several stud running backs and both sides of the ball are loaded with talent. However, an unproven QB with questionable abilities probably will not be able to navigate Georgia's schedule successfully. I expect some fall off. The game against South Carolina should tell us just where Georgia stands this year.

18. Oregon - I hate those uniforms. I do like the fog they get at their stadium. That's a nice touch. The team itself is solid, but hardly spectacular. If they are gonna make a push, this may be the year simply because USC is reloading.

19. Oklahoma - Bohmer leaving was apparently addition by subtraction, so no worries there. However, I hardly see how an new QB is going to help things that much. Peterson is still a beast and the Sooners have talent. However, Peterson can't do it all himself. Well, maybe he can, but if he gets hurt, then what?

20. Arizona State - In all fairness, I've already seen clips of the Northern Arizona game, and I must admit I was not impressed. However, I was impressed with the guts of Coach Koetter in naming Carpenter the starter. Wow. I also liked how they turned it on in the second half. First games always have rust. They have a ways to go.

21. Rutgers - Any team that has a fullback as its best player gets to make my poll (except Navy).

22. Penn State - So many questions, so little time. Obviously, without Michael Robinson, there will be issues. However, new QB Anthony Morelli apparently has the skills to follow in Robinson's footsteps (or arm-steps...does that work?). I'm curious to see if Penn State's year was a flash in the pan or if they have some staying power. I'm thinking a slide is probable (giving that they only lost one game last year), but they shouldn't fall too terribly far.

Sleepers: Nebraska, Texas Tech, Michigan State, Iowa State, Arkansas, Boston College, South Carolina, Fresno State, TCU, Georgia Tech.